Reliable Price Feed Relayer

Phat Contract is a decentralized, secure, and reliable price feed relayer that mirrors any price feed on Ethereum to any EVM L2 blockchain.

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Under the Hood

How Mirrored Price Feed Works

Unlock Limitless Web3 Potential with Phat Contract


Pick any price feed on Ethereum. We mirror it to any EVM L2 blockchain.


Deployed in minutes. Fully compatible with ChainLink ABI. Replace the contract address, and you are ready to ship your dapp.


Fully verifiable and unstoppable data transmission. Backed by 35k+ decentralized workers on Phala Network.

Always On-time

Permitted by the Phala Network, the data is always on-time and reliable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which blockchains are supported?

Phat Contract is blockchain agnostic. All the EVM blockchains are supported.

What’s the pricing of the service?

Upon request

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