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JSSDK 0.5.1 release


Hi all, we release JS-SDK v0.5.1 today since it have been stay in beta channel for a long time.

Breaking Changes

Please note that v0.5.1 will be a breaking change compared to v0.5.0. After the next major update of the mainnet, v0.5.0 will no longer function, so please ensure compatibility with any versions prior to that update.

  • Breaking: remove the deprecated create function. Please check our documentation for instructions on integrating with Phat Contract.
  • Breaking: update the protobuf generated codes for Phactory.


  • Added Supported to LogServer 1.2. added getInfo API inspecting LogServer capacity.
  • Two new redesigned APIs: head & tail.
  • You can now instantiate the PinkLoggerContractPromise object without connecting to the WS RPC endpoint. The example can be found here.
  • Several typing improvements.

Hosted Metadata

We have added additional functions to retrieve ABI JSON files and wasm files based on codehash. We now support two sources:


  • unsafeCheckCodeHashExists
  • unsafeGetContractCodeHash
  • unsafeGetAbiFromPatronByCodeHash
  • unsafeGetAbiFromGitHubRepoByCodeHash
  • unsafeGetWasmFromPatronByCodeHash
  • unsafeGetWasmFromGithubRepoByCodeHash

Experimental Feature

We are currently working on supporting signing certificates with Ethereum wallets, such as MetaMask. This feature is still in the experimental phase and is not yet available on the mainnet.


  • Feat: exporting the createPruntimeClient function.
  • Feat: exporting the signAndSend function.
  • Imp: we don't need the api parameter for signCertificate anymore.
  • Imp: typing for PinkContractPromise tx and query.
  • Imp: Full supports for PinkQuery arguments.
  • Fix: PinkCodePromise doesn't work as properly when passing wasm code in blob object.
  • Fix: The SDK cannot connect to a custom PRuntime node that has not been registered on the chain yet.
  • Fix: The SDK internally deposits to the cluster when submitting a transaction.
  • Fix: The ABI metadata for the SystemContract is out of date, so we need update it.
  • Docs: Added simple docs for the PinkLoggerContractPromise.
  • Docs: Added code snippets for inspecting contract information.

About Phala

Phala Network is a decentralized cloud that offers secure and scalable computing for Web3.

With Phat Contracts, an innovative programming model enabling trustless off-chain computation, developers can create new Web3 use cases.

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