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Phala App V2.0 Beta Test Is Open! PhalaWorld Launches Dress Up Browse Version | Phala Weekly Vol. 111


Khala/Phala Computing Providers Report

Khala Democracy Governance

Khala’s treasury has accumulated 34.13M PHA. No new proposal this week

Democracy Referendum

  • #45: This proposal is from the SubQuery team. Used to run a high-performance and reliable data index hosting service for Phala Network in Q3 2022 (August-September).
  • #46: This proposal comes from 100k community members. 100k completed the development of the development tool devPHAse — Part 1 (MVP).

Dev Updates


  1. Phat Contract
    • Reviewed Close Beta applications
    • Will start on 12th Dec
  1. SubBridge
    • Sygma integration access control
  1. Phala APP
    • StakePool v2
    • Referendum passed
    • Close Beta started
    • Ready to launch

Work in Progress

  1. Phala APP
    • SGX DCAP productionalize
  1. Computing power supply
    • PRuntime fast sync merged; waiting for Solo & PRB integration
    • Ledger Hardware Wallet support internal test

Community & Ecosystem


Product Progress

  1. Continue the development of custom NFT.
  1. The web UI development is completed.
  1. The Spirit and Food leaderboard launched.
  1. The marketplace is under development.

Operation & Marketing

  1. The browse version of the Dress Up function is online, and users can preview the Dress Up function in advance.
  1. Users can view Origin Shell’s metadata and breeder list on the NFT details page!
  1. Alpha Airdrop produced a PhalaWorld Introduction Video.
  1. Users can participate in the food ranking contest to win special POAP.

Activities & News

  1. On December 10th, VP of Growth Zoe participated in the Polkadot · Unbounded held in Bangkok, Thailand.
  1. Phala submitted Phala and Khala apps for Ledger Nano S and X for further review by Zondax.
  1. Discover #Vault, one of Phala App’s most sought-after new features. This important upgrade will benefit our community greatly by providing a simplified and effective mechanism to maximize staking yields.
  1. The V2.0 Beta test is now open. For the next 4 days, some early users are invited to join and help us make sure the new app is ready for public testing.

About Phala

Phala Network is a decentralized cloud that offers secure and scalable computing for Web3.

With Phat Contracts, an innovative programming model enabling trustless off-chain computation, developers can create new Web3 use cases.

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