Phala Reached Partnership With SaaS3, PhalaWorld Released Short Term Roadmap | Phala Weekly Vol. 116
Khala/Phala Computing Providers Report
Phala StakePool V2 & Vault on-chain upgrade has been enabled, all computing-related functions are restricted so we won’t be able to provide statistics this week.
Khala Democracy Governance
Khala’s treasury has accumulated 37.82M PHA.
- Democracy referendum
- #77: This referendum comes from the technical committee. The proposal proposes to upgrade Khala Runtime v1205, fix Vault-related issues, perform PhalaWorld repair and migration.
- #78: This motion will trigger a v1206 runtime upgrade to fix bugs.
- Treasury proposal
- #51: The purpose of this proposal is to facilitate the continued advancement of Phala Network. The requested funds will be specifically used to expand Phala’s community and finance Phala’s ambassador program.
- #50: The purpose of this proposal is for liquidity provision to increase $PHA’s DeFi use cases on Astar, facilitate the liquidity demand, and maximize the synergies between Polkadot parachains via XCM.
Dev Updates
- Phat Contract
- Automation experiment in QuickJS.
- Internal roadmap updated.
- Phat ecosystem projects
- PrivaDEX
- Cross-chain DEX aggregator on Phat Contract.
- Received a W3F grant.
- Won the Polkadot winter hackathon.
- Paraxiom
- Modular oracle infrastructure on Polkadot.
- Applying for a W3F grant.
- Computing power supply
- Overflow and claimable reward bug fix applied (v1206 runtime).
- Vault #3474 reopened.
- SubBridge
- Sygma M2 started: MPC sig, fee handler, E2E test.
Work in progress
- Phala APP
- SGX DCAP productionalize.
- Computing power supply
- pRuntime fast sync merged; waiting for Solo and PRB integration.
- Khala and Phala app for Ledger hardware wallet submitted to Ledger Live for review.
Community & Ecosystem

Product Progress
- Continue the development of custom NFT.
- The marketplace is under development.
- Hatching will happen next week.
- The team will show the “burning” of Shell NFT.
Operation & Marketing
- PhalaWorld released a short-term (2023 Q1) roadmap, introducing the first version of the functions that will be launched after the opening of Marketplace.
Activities & News
- Phala has reached a partnership with SaaS3Lab. Through this collaboration, SaaS3 will be able to improve its oracle service performance and security by leveraging Phat Contract’s powerful off-chain computation features.
- On January 11th, Phala and Friends invited Zondax to discuss how to safely store tokens in the Twitter Space.
- Phala’s daily active users this week rank among the top three in the Polkadot ecosystem!
🪧 Coming up
- On January 20th, Phala’s Dev Advocate Josh was invited to participate in the Swanky Panell to discuss the future prospects of WASM smart contracts on Polkadot.
- On January 25th, Phala Network will hold Web3 Cloud Transformation — DCloud round table by Phala Network on the Crowdcast channel jointly with Protocol Labs and Bundlr. Stay tuned on Twitter for more info.