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Phala Will Enter Its 1st Halving Period, PhalaWorld Unlimited Shell Mint Has Started! | Phala Weekly Vol. 107


Khala/Phala Computing Providers Report

Khala Democracy Governance

Khala’s treasury has accumulated 30.37M PHA.

Democracy Referendum

  • #65: This referendum comes from the Technical Committee, proposing a Khala Runtime v1191 upgrade.

Treasury Proposal

  • #41: This proposal comes from the Dwellir team. The Dwellir team provides Phala with a public RPC endpoint service in Q3.

Dev Updates


  1. Phat Contract
    • Overall progress 37/41
    • Offchain Rollup scheduler initial implementation
    • Integrated devphase 0.0.15 to rollup project
  1. SubBridge
    • Added Astar integration
  1. Phala APP
    • Halving count down
  1. Blockchain
    • Released Kusama block justification issue mitigation

Work in progress

  1. Phat Contract
    • Ledger Hardware Wallet support internal test
  1. Phala APP
    • StakePoolv2 & Vault: add migration and benchmark
  1. Computing power supply
    • SGX DCAP productionalize

Community & Ecosystem


Product Progress

  1. Continue the development of custom NFT.
  1. Reorganize website logic to prepare for the new version of the official website iteration.
  1. Website UI updating completed, Shell mint has started.

Operation & Marketing

  1. Magic and Legendary Shell soldout within 15 minutes.
  1. Prime Edition Shell unlimited mint has opened!
  1. Participate in the PhalaWorld Video Contest for a chance to win a Magic Shell.
  1. Invite new users to mint Shell, you can get energy points earlier.
  1. PhalaWorld held Fireside chat and sync the community on the development progress of the project, also what the next step is.

Activities & News

  1. VP of Growth Zoe attended Polkadot World in Madrid, Spain on November 6th and delivered a speech.
  1. VP of Growth Zoe attended the Beyond the Chain event in London on November 8th.
  1. Phala will enter its 1st halving period on #2,763,069 Khala Network block height since Gemini Upgrade. The supply of $PHA rewards will be reduced each 1,296,000 blocks and the 1st halving will happen on 21st Nov.

🪧 Coming up

  1. On November 28–29, developer advocate Josh will speak at the Sub0 conference in Lisbon, Portugal
  1. Phala will sponsor Unblock — the Web3 Hackathon on November 11–17
  1. On November 23–24, VP of Growth Zoe will speak at the NBX Conference in Berlin.

About Phala

Phala Network is a decentralized cloud that offers secure and scalable computing for Web3.

With Phat Contracts, an innovative programming model enabling trustless off-chain computation, developers can create new Web3 use cases.

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