PhalaWorld Shell Mint Starts on Oct 31, Phala Will Attend WebSummit in Lisbon! | Phala Weekly Vol. 105
Khala/Phala Computing Providers Report

Khala Democracy Governance
Khala treasury has accumulated 28.1 M PHA.
Democracy Referendum
- #63 : This referendum is from the Tech Committee. The proposal is for a Khala Runtime v1183 upgrade.
Treasury Proposal
- #40: This proposal comes from the OnFinality team. The OnFinality team provided Phala with high-performance infrastructure in Q3.
Dev Updates
- Phat Contract
- overall progress 32/39
- Transaction tokenomic design
- Tokenomic UI design
- Public Testnet upgraded
- Chain
- Support multi-remote attestation providerhttps://github.com/Phala-Network/phala-blockchain/pull/768
- Compute providing renaming mergedhttps://github.com/Phala-Network/phala-blockchain/pull/1001
- Phala APP
- SubSquid-based App in closed beta
- StakePoolv2 database design finished
Work in Progress
- Phat Contract
- Phat Contract transaction tokenomic implementation
- Ledger Hardware Wallet support internal test
- Phala APP
- StakePoolv2 & Vault: add migration and benchmark
- Computing Power Supply
- SGX DCAP productionalize
Community & Ecosystem

Product Progress
- Continue the development of custom NFT
- Reorganize website logic to prepare for the new version of the official website iteration
- Website UI updating completed, Shell mint countdown timer is up
Operation & Marketing
- Shell mint starts on Oct 31st 8 p.m. SGT
- Incubation process
- Check out Polkadot Insider’s PhalaWorld WL Giveaway if you don’t have a WL yet
Activities & News
- On October 23rd Phala Network held a Crowdcast “Let’s Talk About the “P” Element Over the Last Days” with surprises for attendees!
- On October 29, Phala co-hosted the Polkadot Unbounded side event with Litentry in Lisbon.
- On October 26, PhalaWorld and RMRK held the Let’s Talk About NFT Customization Twitter Space.
- On October 26th, VP of Growth Zoe participated in the AMA hosted by Crypto Challenger and introduced Polkadot Ecosystem and Phala Ecosystem.
- On October 26th, Marvin participated in Polkadot’s Monthly Community Call and briefed the community on Phala’s progress and achievements in the past month.
- On October 27th. VP of Growth Zoe participated in the Crowdcast, “Utilization of NFTs” hosted by KodaDot.
- On October 27th, Phala held Monthly Community Call.
- OnFinality Marketplace added Phala nodes.
- October 29th 7 p.m.SGT PhalaWorld, Bit.Country and RMRK introduced the NFT and Metaverse in the Polkadot ecosystem on Binance Live.
- October 29 Phala co-hosted the Polkadot Unbounded event with Litentry in Lisbon.
- October 29th 11 p.m. SGT, Phala Dev Advocate Josh participated in Polkadot Insider’s Twitter Space to discuss his experience and advice as a member of the Polkadot ecosystem.
🪧 Coming up
- On November 1–4, VP of Growth Zoe will attend WebSummit in Lisbon, Portugal.
- Phala will participate in San Francisco Blockchain Week on November 3rd.
- On November 6th, VP of Growth Zoe will attend Polkadot World in Madrid and deliver a speech.
- On November 28–29, developer advocate Josh will speak at the Sub0 conference in Lisbon, Portugal.