PhalaWorld Web UI Almost Completed, Participate in Phala Crowdcast to Receive Surprises! | Phala Weekly Vol. 104
Khala/Phala Computing Providers Report

Khala Democracy Governance
Khala treasury has accumulated 26.91 M PHA
Treasury Proposal
- #40: This proposal comes from the OnFinality team. The OnFinality team provided Phala with high-performance infrastructure in Q3. Amount to apply: 94691.0621 PHA.
Dev Updates
- Phat Contract
- Overall progress 32/39
- Prepare for internal testing
- Scheduler design: https://hackmd.io/vl7oVbUlQmW8a\_rcxhk9JQ
- Public good cluster (L2) tokenomic implemented
- Prototype log viewer in Phat Contract UI
- Khala
- Khala runtime upgrade to v1183: add events for app indexing
- Phala APP
- SubSquid based App internally tested
Work in progress
- SubBridge
- StakePoolv2 & Vault docsmerged; now adding migration and benchmark
- Computing Power Supply
- SGX DCAP support demo went successfully; moving to productionalize
Community & Ecosystem

Product Progress
- Continue the development of custom NFT.
- Reorganize website logic to prepare for the new version of the official website iteration
- Website UI updating nearly complete.
Operation & Marketing
- PhalaWorld held AI Drawing Contest from October 14–21. Participate and win some $PHA and PhalaWorld WL!
- Shell customization teaser video released.
- PhalaWorld Team published the reasons and significance of Shell NFT customization.
Activities & News
- On October 18, Phala participated in DotinVietnam in Vietnam.
- Growth leader Zoe attended the How & Why NFTs Are Revolutionizing Consumer Markets Meetup in Amsterdam, Netherlands on October 20th.
- Phala has added a new #Phala101 series on Twitter, using the most concise and intuitive way to reintroduce Phala to everyone.
- Growth Leader Zoe published an article on Phat Contract — What Phala’s New Product Will Bring to Web3, introducing the impact of Phat Contract on the Web3 industry.
🪧 Coming up
- On October 23rd Phala Network will be holding a Crowdcast “Let’s Talk About the “P” Element Over the Last Days” with surprises for attendees!
- On October 29, Phala will co-host Polkadot Unbounded side event with Litentry in Lisbon.
- Growth leader Zoe will attend How & Why NFTs Are Revolutionizing Consumer Markets Meetup in Amsterdam, Netherlands on October 20th.
- November 1–4 Growth leader Zoe will attend WebSummit in Lisbon, Portugal.
- Phala will participate in San Francisco Blockchain Week on November 3rd.
- On November 28–29, developer advocate Josh will speak at the Sub0 conference in Lisbon, Portugal.