PHA Transfer Between Phala and Ethereum Opened, Online Worker Exceeded 15,000 | Phala Weekly Vol. 97
Khala/Phala Computing Providers Report

Khala Democracy Governance
Khala has 1 ongoing democracy referendum this week. The treasury has accumulated 19.39M PHA.
Democracy Referendum
- #57: This referendum came from congress member Marvin Tong, who proposed to increase the Khala/Phala congress seats to 8.
- Tip: This tip is rewarded to community members who find the pool and workers in an error state.
Dev Updates
- Phat Contract
- Overall progress 18/33.
- Introduced Phat Contract standard libs “pink-libs” with decentralized storage supporthttps://github.com/Phala-Network/phala-blockchain/pull/943.
- SubBridge
- SubBridge launched PHA token transfer between Phala and Ethereum.
- Phala App
- Phala App being redesigned.
Work in progress
- SubBridge
- StakePool v2 & Vault implementation is finished. Now reviewing Vaults.
- Phala APP
- Enable Kusama node disk saving in solo provide computing script.
- Tokenomic design finalized the discussion; will publish soon.
Community & Ecosystem

Product Progress
- Continue the development of custom NFT.
- Reorganize website logic to prepare for the new version of the official website iteration.
Operation & Marketing
- On September 7, PhalaWorld will jointly hold a Twitter AMA with Evrloot, exiledracers, and TheDPSproject to discuss the construction and market sustainability of blockchain games.
Activities & News
- PHA transfer between Phala and Ethereum officially opened. Users can transfer PHA cross-chain to the Ethereum network through SubBridge, and also support the reverse transfer of ERC20-PHA assets to achieve between Phala and Ethereum.
- On August 31st, Phala hosted August Monthly Community Call.
- On Thursday, September 1st at 14:00 pm, Phala Co-founder Marvin and core developer Wenfeng participated in the online community gathering held by PolkaWorld. Marvin shared his opinion on one of the hot topics with the most votes in the current community, “Where are the parallel links under the narrative of the new public chain?”. Wenfeng participated in the discussion of “What infrastructure does Web3 need?”.
- Phala team completed a migration that contained 38million $PHA (the remaining token for parachain slot auctions) from Ethereum to Phala’s smart contract bridge router— http://subbridge.io on August 29th, 2022 (SGT).
🪧 Coming up
- On September 7, 1 p.m. EST, PhalaWorld will jointly hold a Twitter AMA with Evrloot, exiledracers, and TheDPSproject to discuss the construction and market sustainability of blockchain games.
- From September 14th to 15th, Phala will appear at Berlin Blockchain Week and participate in roundtable discussions. Please stay tuned for details.
- Phala will attend Token 2049 from September 28th to 29th in Singapore. We will host parties and side events, stay tuned!
- Phala will participate in San Francisco Blockchain Week on November 3rd, stay tuned for details.