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Explore Now Supports Withdrawal and Deposit Functions of $PHA, A Chance To Win $PHA and PhalaWorld WL! | Phala Weekly Vol. 103


Khala/Phala Computing Providers Report

Khala Democracy Governance

Khala treasury has accumulated 25.79 M PHA.

The number of members of the Khala Council has been increased to 8, and the current member list can be found at:

Council seats are voted on and rotated every 24 hours, and community members are welcome to run for election.

👉 How to apply for a council seat:

Democracy Referendum

  • #62: This referendum is from the Technical Committee. The proposal suggests a Khala Runtime v1182 upgrade.

Treasury Proposal

  • #39: This proposal comes from the Smart Liquidity Research team. The Smart Liquidity Research team will provide marketing services for Phala. Application Amount: 22000 PHA.


  • Tip: This request comes from community member Arno, who developed a Phabot. Phabot can automatically help users receive staking rewards and perform repeated staking according to the income ratio.
  • Tip: This request is from Phala member Hang who requested a tip for community member Alexia Chen. Alexia Chen fixed a bug on pruntime.

Dev Updates


  1. Phat Contract
    • Phat Contract: overall progress 32/39
    • Release the new wiki docs
    • Code clean up
  1. Khala
    • Khala runtime upgrade to v1182: fix Substrate upstream bugs
  1. Phala App
    • SubSquid performance test succeeded

Work in progress

  1. Computing Power Supply
    • SGX DCAP support demo went successfully; moving into production
  1. SubBridge
    • StakePoolv2 & Vault reviewed; now adding benchmark and docs
  1. Tokenomic design finalized the discussion; working on the implementation

Community & Ecosystem


Product Progress

  1. Continue the development of custom NFT.
  1. Reorganize website logic to prepare for the new version of the official website iteration.
  1. Updating website UI.

Operation & Marketing

  1. Shell NFT customization video in making.
  1. PhalaWorld held AI Drawing Contest from October 14–21. Participate and win some $PHA and PhalaWorld WL!
  1. Shell customization teaser video released.

Activities & News

  1. All forms of $PHA’s withdrawal and deposit functions are open on
  1. Phala Ambassador Immaculate held the first local Phala Network Meetup in Uganda
  1. Dr. Shelven’s speech recap Phat Contract: The Next Major Step in Replacing Web2 at Token 2049 in Singapore has been uploaded

🪧 Coming up

  1. On October 18 Phala will participate in DotinVietnam in Vietnam and participate in the panel discussion
  1. Growth leader Zoe will attend How & Why NFTs Are Revolutionizing Consumer Markets Meetup in Amsterdam, Netherlands on October 20th
  1. November 1–4 Growth leader Zoe will attend WebSummit in Lisbon, Portugal
  1. Phala will participate in San Francisco Blockchain Week on November 3rd
  1. On November 28–29, developer advocate Josh will speak at the Sub0 conference in Lisbon, Portugal

About Phala

Phala Network is a decentralized cloud that offers secure and scalable computing for Web3.

With Phat Contracts, an innovative programming model enabling trustless off-chain computation, developers can create new Web3 use cases.

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