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Delegation Amount Exceeded 180 Million PHA, Phala Will Participate in DOTinVietnam | Phala Weekly Vol. 102


Khala/Phala Computing Providers Report

Khala Democracy Governance

Khala has 0 democracy referendum executed this week. Treasury has accumulated 24.87M PHA. No new proposal this week.

Khala Congress seats will increase to 8 people after the network upgrade. Congress seats are voted on and rotated every 24 hours.

Learn how to apply for a council seat:


  • #Tip 2: community member found a bug with incorrect pool & worker status. In this situation, the Cooling-Down event will not be triggered in the pool with the wrong status. The devs are still trying to find the reason and fix the bug. This tip is to thank him for bringing this bug to our attention.
  • #Tip 3: Jeremias wrote a Spanish-language article teaching the community how to apply for tips.

Dev Updates

⚠️ October 1st to 7th was a national holiday in China so there is no new update on Dev at the moment.


  1. Phat Contract
    • overall progress 31/39
    • Make on_block_end privileged feature
    • Phat Contract as L3 design draft

Work in progress

  1. Computing Power Supply
    • SGX DCAP support demo went successfully; moving into production.
  1. Phala App
    • StakePoolv2 & Vault reviewed; now adding benchmark and docs.
  1. Tokenomic design finalized the discussion; working on the implementation

Community & Ecosystem


Product Progress

  1. Continue the development of custom NFT.
  1. Reorganize website logic to prepare for the new version of the official website iteration.
  1. Updating website UI.

Operation & Marketing

  1. Shell NFT customization video in making.
  1. PhalaWorld Mods will host mini-games every week from now on- join for prizes! For details please stay tuned on Twitter.

Activities & News

  1. On October 6th, Talisman joined Phala and Friends 004 and discussed how to better guide people to participate and build Polkadot community.
  1. Delegation amount exceeds 180 million PHA.
  1. Newly elected Council members BML and Cappex release self-introduction video.

🪧 Coming up

  1. On October 18 Phala will participate in DotinVietnam in Vietnam and participate in the panel discussion.
  1. November 1–4 Growth leader Zoe will attend WebSummit in Lisbon, Portugal.
  1. Phala will participate in San Francisco Blockchain Week on November 3rd.
  1. On November 28–29, developer advocate Josh will speak at the Sub0 conference in Lisbon, Portugal.

About Phala

Phala Network is a decentralized cloud that offers secure and scalable computing for Web3.

With Phat Contracts, an innovative programming model enabling trustless off-chain computation, developers can create new Web3 use cases.

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